
Scarabeo Ceramiche is an Italian company specializing in the production of innovative bathroom fittings and furnishings with an original design. The ability to give shape to ceramics and transform them into washbasins and sanitaryware with a unique and unmistakable style are our strengths, which have determined our international success, so much so that today we are a real point of reference for those looking for new ideas with which to furnish the bathroom. Our mission is to start from an idea, to give it shape through the infinite possibilities of processing offered by ceramics and to create a piece of furniture that can define the personality of a bathroom.

Artisanal quality

In Civita Castellana the working of ceramics has very ancient origins, dating back to pre-Roman times. Scarabeo, through its production aims to recover the technique of the various working processes that have been so important in the tradition of his city. Each piece is subjected to continuous controls and attention, to correct any imperfections.

Design and research for more than 50 years

Scarabeo Ceramiche is an Italian company specializing in the production of innovative bathroom fittings and furnishings with an original design. The ability to give shape to ceramics and transform them into washbasins and sanitaryware with a unique and unmistakable style are our strengths, which have determined our international success, so much so that today we are a real point of reference for those looking for new ideas with which to furnish the bathroom. Our mission is to start from an idea, to give it shape through the infinite possibilities of processing offered by ceramics and to create a piece of furniture that can define the personality of a bathroom.

Design and research for more than 50 years

Our Story

45 years of Scarabeo

For 45 years Scarabeo Ceramiche has been conquering the national and foreign markets with handmade products, elegant and functional handmade ceramics, refined, special but never identical pieces. In a world where everything is homologated by precision and mass production, the company from the Italian brand stands out by producing sanitary ware and washbasins according to tradition, recovering the ancient techniques and working processes that made the city of Civita Castellana great in pre-Roman times and that today guarantee quality, hygiene and durability over time. Scarabeo’s creations take shape and are made perfect by the skilled craftsmen. The finishing, for example, is done entirely by hand on the pieces still wet and raw. Washbasins, bathroom fittings, shower trays, bathtubs and furnishing accessories are transformed into inimitable, special products that stand out for their uniqueness.

Scarabeo Collections

Similar but never identical pieces

The Scarabeo collections, with their unquestionable quality of craftsmanship, have received important awards over the years (Design Awards). The creations are perfectly suited to any furnishing need and have as common denominator the passion and love for art and tradition. The soft, gentle and sinuous lines of Glam, Fuji, Butterfly, Castellana and Arco are ideal for bathrooms with a modern and contemporary look, simple and essential. The sanitary fixtures suspended or on the floor, with or without bride, optimize the available space, giving the illusion of a larger and more comfortable environment. The squared and linear ceramics of the Etra, Cube, Matty, Moon, Teorema, Up, Zefiro collections peep out in an elegant and refined bathroom that perfectly combines comfort and practicality.

Our Story

45 years of Scarabeo

Vestibulum porta neque et ligula fringilla pharetra. Etiam eleifend ultricies nulla, in viverra velit. Praesent ac nisl volutpat, eleifend neque in, ultrices dui. Sed sagittis eu purus et pretium. Fusce et molestie tellus.

Il box doccia con il profilo più minimal

serie ZEN

La collezioni Scarabeo, dall’indiscutibile qualità artigianale, hanno ottenuto negli anni importanti riconoscimenti (Design Awards). Le creazioni si adattano perfettamente a qualsiasi esigenza d’arredo ed hanno come comune denominatore la passione e l’amore per l’arte e la tradizione. Le linee morbide, gentili e sinuose di Glam, Fuji, Butterfly, Castellana ed Arco sono ideali per stanze da bagno dal look moderno e contemporaneo, semplice ed essenziale. I sanitari sospesi o a terra, con o senza brida, ottimizzano gli spazi a disposizione, dando l’illusione di un ambiente più ampio e confortevole. Le ceramiche squadrate e lineari delle collezioni Etra, Cube, Matty, Moon, Teorema, Up, Zefiro fanno capolino in una stanza da bagno elegante e raffinata che coniuga perfettamente comfort e praticità.

Highlights 2020

million € annual turnover
years of activity
sqm of establishments
Representative agencies world

Scheduled events

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